100 In One Year: Getting Back on Keto

One hundred pounds in one year is my new weight loss goal. That works out to be about 1.92 pounds a week or 8.33 pounds a month. This is my ultimate goal, a goal I wish to complete by March 10th, 2019. I know it is a goal that might not happen. I know it is a goal that might not be attainable but it is a goal that I am going to strive for.

For months and months I have tried to get back on keto. I succeed for a week or two and then self-sabotage as soon as I see progress. One cheat meal turns into a day, the day turns into a week and that week turns into months. Months of being off track and back up to the weight I started with or more.

As I was searching for some inspiring quotes one really hit me hard. "A year from now you would have wished you started today." There have been timeless times where I have looked back and was disappointed at where I was at. I want next year to be different. Next year I want to be 100 pounds smaller. Next year I want to be healthier, happier and more confident.

In order to be 100 hundred pounds smaller I plan to follow the ketogenic diet again. I love the way I feel on keto. I love that I am never hungry and I love that I can eat delicious foods. My inflammation goes away, my back pain goes away. I can walk long distances and I have tons of energy.

Last week I started Keto again and worked towards my goal of 100 pounds in one year. I plan to share my journey on my blog, YouTube channel and Instagram. I am hoping that this can help hold me accountable.

Where do you see yourself one year from now?

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