Weight Loss Journey: Week 19

I lost 0.2 pounds for a total weight loss of 45 pounds. So I am a bit disappointed that I lost only 0.3 pounds in 2 weeks. I am hoping that I am gaining muscle and losing fat since I have been exercising for almost 3 weeks now. 

I stayed on plan the entire week and just ate out for one meal. I have been doing so much cooking at home because my meals are so much tastier than what I could get outside. I just can't think about spending 9 bucks on a bunless burger with cheese and bacon thrown on top. I would much rather have a homemade burger with aged cheddar, reduced sugar ketchup on my yummy oopsie rolls. I did a lot of shopping online and in stores for our special keto ingredients so that we can continue to have variety and be successful at staying on plan. 19 weeks in and not one single cheat! 

I have finally found an exercise routine that I like and can stick to. I love that the FeFit program does all of the planning for you. I wrote down all of the workouts for the month onto the calendar of my Weight Loss Command center. Being on a ketogenic (keto) diet it is important to do some strength training so this program was perfect for me. I am doing things I thought couldn't do yet, like modified push ups. There is planks, squats, lunges, crunches, bicycles and so much more. When I was at the laundromat I decided to take a long walk while the clothes were in the drier. Then I ended the week by deep cleaning my house a couple of rooms a day. I was amazed that I had the energy to clean right after exercising. I already feel like I am getting fitter. 

  • Take vitamins and probiotics.
  • Get in 8000 daily steps. 
  • FeFit Exercise Program 4 times a week
  • One walk of at least 10,000 steps
  • Find and test recipe for my Birthday Cake
How are you doing so far on your New Year's Resolutions? ‪


  1. You really are doing very well--and yes--muscle is heavier (on a scale) then fat. Maybe you should try doing measurements as well--you may find you are losing inches now.

  2. I quit using artificial sweeteners over a month ago and have yet to have any so far. Quitting Splenda was actually harder than quitting a smoking habit of 17 years! My taste buds are more sensitive, making most food taste different. I can barely use salt on anything now. I wasn't using much before, but now even a piece of cheese is too salty.

    I made the change after reading the post by Dr. Mark Hyman on why we should ditch artificial sweeteners. I was using a lot of those pricey little yellow packets.

    Having PCOS really makes losing so much harder and the only 'workout' that gives any sort of results is 8 hours of serious yard work. Lifting rocks and digging and stuff like that. Every day.

    Winter means elliptical and resistance bands and not many inches/pounds lost. My goal for the new year is increasing steps.

  3. Wow! You are doing an amazing job! Congratulation on your weight loss! Keep up the great work!

  4. Regardless you're doing an amazing job! I officialy start a new diet & exercise program next week and I'm a bit nervous nut excited all at the same time!

  5. You're such an awesome person, you always doing well.

  6. I feel the same way about eating at home. I get so much more bang for my buck making it myself!

  7. Planning the workouts in advance is super smart! I should probably start doing that myself. I know my daughter does!
