Weight Loss Journey: Week 24

I lost 2.6 pounds for a total weight loss of 55 pounds. I am happy to see the scale moving a little better these past couple of weeks. `

On Sunday I did oopsie rolls, low carb biscuits and pizza puffs to last for the week. It made my job a whole lot easier the rest of the week because I got to cook less. My husband loves my cauliflower mash and could eat it everyday if I let him so I also made a big batch to last him a few days. My appetite is lessening which is a good thing because it means my body is keto-adapted. I have worked my way up to one tablespoon of MCT oil in my bulletproof coffee so it has been giving me a ton of energy. I did three days of Intermittent fasting with bulletproof coffee after a 16-18 hour fast and then a cup of bone broth 4 hours later. Then I had a big dinner which was my last meal of the day. When I eat a big dinner I don't get hungry for a long time after I wake up the next day, so my eating window is getting smaller. 

I don't know if it was the super cold weather or snow, but I wasn't as enthusiastic to exercise this week. I woke up wanting to stay under my warm blanket. After having my late lunches I would then get the energy to get up and do my workouts. I continued with the FeFit Exercise program and got through each day. The exercises are getting easier to do and I could feel my core muscles getting stronger. On my walk day I did another Leslie Sansone Walk YouTube video since I didn't want to go out in the cold. 

  • Take vitamins and probiotics.
  • Get in 7000 daily steps. 
  • FeFit Exercise Program 4 times a week
  • One walk of at least 10,000 steps
  • Bulk cooking by making "breads" and bone broth for the week. 


  1. Well done on losing this week too! :) We all have our ups and downs when it comes to motivation for working out, but it's all good in the end :)

  2. You're doing awesome! Congrats on the weight loss. I don't really like exercising when it's so cold, but you've motivated me to stick with it.

  3. You are doing great even with an "Oopsie!"I totally agree with you on exercising when it's cold...we are supposed to be getting snow and I just don't want to face it! I find that we are getting a lot more active now that it's no as bad. Perhaps that's a sign I need to move somewhere warmer ;)

  4. Probiotics are a MUST for any diet!! :)

    And I too eat a big dinner, thus I don't eat the following day until about noon.

  5. It can be tough to be on a weight loss regimen, but you're doing wonderful! Congrats on the progress so far. I find it easier to eat at home when I'm trying to lose weight - this way, I know exactly what is in the food!

  6. Congrats on the continued weight loss. I don't know how my husband would feel about bulletproof coffee though. I think he'll just take his black, lol

  7. These is so incredible! Great job losing 55 lbs! Such an inspiring journey!

  8. Congrats, that is major. I'm sharing your struggle of battling fitness vs. the warm covers. Sounds like your totally winning. Remember it is a marathon not a sprint.

  9. i'm so proud of you!!! i need to get this bulletproof coffee in my life!

  10. I can relate. When it’s cold outside, I want to stay in bed longer and life can get too sluggish.

  11. Sounds like you had a great week!! There is definitely something about cold weather that makes me want to EAT ALL THE CARBS and sit on my butt all day...LOL!!

  12. That's great that you lost weight this week! It sounds like your body is adapting well to the food and exercise changes. That's really neat!

  13. Great job on losing weight! Getting in at least 7000 steps a day is a great goal. Every little bit counts!

  14. You did another great job, so glad that you've done this.

  15. Wow, that's so much weight you've lost already! Your commitment is inspiring, and I love how you stick with it even when the scale gets a little sticky.

  16. You are doing incredible! The scale can be tricky, especially when you are putting on muscle, which ways more than fat. Keep up the great work!

  17. Cooking ahead is always a good idea. If you don't plan on being hungry, you'll eat whatever is available.

  18. Wow, 55 pounds!! Great job! You are definitely motivated!

  19. You've done great!!! 55 pounds. If I'd started with you, I'd be were I want to be right now.
