On-The-Go Toy Tote Tutorial

My daughter is really into the little toys dolls that come in play sets. These little dolls are a must when you are out with a toddler because they are small enough to take with you and keep them busy. Every time I get my daughter all ready to go out she runs to her toys and fills her little hands with as many dolls as she can. If she can't get a least 2 toys in each hand she has a little meltdown. I tried to explain that she could only take a couple but she didn't understand until I came up with the idea of a toy tote.

After I created it I opened it up and showed her how to put her little toys in it. I explained to her that only 3 fit in each side so she can only take six. She was excited to put the little toys into the tote herself and then I helped her with getting it closed with the Velcro. I put it on her shoulder and she loved that she had her own little purse like mommy. It's good for me too because now her hand is free to hold instead of  holding onto her wrist. The best part is no more meltdowns!

  • Cotton Fabric
  • Fleece Fabric
  • Matching Thread
  • Velcro
  • Sewing Machine
  • Disappearing marker
  1. To make the pattern cut out the following shapes out of paper (I use old wrapping paper). Body:  10" x 8", Strap: 15" x 3", Pocket: 8" x 8" , Flap: 3 1/4" x 3 1/2"
  2. For the body pattern cut one out of the cotton fabric and one out of the fleece fabric. Cut two out of the cotton fabric for each remaining pattern piece. 
  3. Take the pocket pieces, place right sides together and sew a 1/4" seam on the top and bottom. Turn inside out. Sew a 1/8" seam from the edge on the top and bottom. Pin onto the middle of the body flannel piece. Sew a basting stitch on the left and right side of the pocket to the flannel body 1/8" from the edge. Find the middle of the pocket going horizontally and draw a line 1/2" above and 1/2" below the middle line. Stitch on top of the lines you just drew. 
  4. Take strap and fold in half the long way. Sew using a 1/4" seam on the long side. Turn inside out and sew down each long side 1/8" from the edge. Repeat for second strap. 
  5. Take two pieces of the flap and place right sides together. Sew top and sides and leave the bottom part open. Turn inside out and sew around 1/8" from the edge. 
  6. Place straps on the top and bottom of flannel body going in 1/4" from the left and right sides. You want to make sure not to twist the straps. Pin the flap to the top of the flannel body right in the middle of the straps. 
  7. Place cotton body piece on top right sides together and pin away the straps so that you don't sew on top of them when you go around. Sew all around the body pieces using a 1/4" seam. Leave an open space about 3 inches long on one of the sides to turn the tote right side out. 
  8. Turn tote right side out and sew all around the body 1/8" from the edge. 
  9. Place Velcro on inside of flap and sew in place. Close tote and mark where the other side of the Velcro should go. Sew Velcro in place. 
  10. Optional: To make sure the tote is super secure and the little toys don't fall out I sewed on two little pieces of Velcro to close the little open spaces where the straps are.

* You can make it for a boy using a different print and making the strap shorter. 

 photo MichelleSIG_zpsa90bb9e7.png

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  1. This kind of totes are being sold at about $2 in a local store called Daiso in Singapore. They're mostly used for us when we buy items in the market.

  2. This is very functional and super cute! Love the design! I also think your lil one probably looks super adorable carrying it around! I think my daughter needs one. Thanks for the tutorial.

  3. So nice you were able to make this quickly & easily for her! Whenever she gets tired of Little Mermaid, I'm sure you can switch it up!

  4. My daughter used to be so into these little dolls also.. She has bags and carry on's all over the place.. we are now just sorting through all of it.

  5. This is very cute! I wish I could sew then I would make one of those!

  6. This is such a cute idea! I will share with my mom, who loves to craft up things like this.

  7. This is so adorable! Ariel is def my fave Disney Princess :)

  8. Too cute! Yes, every little girl needs one!

  9. What a wonderful idea. I may have to try this with my youngest daughter. =)

  10. What a fabulous idea! Us moms really do think of everything huh?

  11. That's the perfect idea so she can carry as many of her little friends as she'd like. Plus it's awfully cute.

  12. wow that's absolutely cute, loved the material.. and thanks for posting the tutorial here.. :)

  13. This is very creative and I love the idea. My lil niece would love this for her lil toys. Thanks for sharing.

  14. that is so cute, I love it. I think my daughter would too.

  15. This is so cute. And practical!

  16. This is so adorable. Thanks for sharing this!

  17. This tote is adorable. Just the right size for little ones to carry. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I love this idea. I kinda wish that I had a girl but this is something that I could make for my nieces too.

  19. That is so cute! I would love this! Victoria Ess

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